
Get the Power to Perform Like a Porn Star!

The best way for men to continue having XXXBios sex for longer is to be able to imitate sex and use strategies to continue ejaculation. Masturbation is the best method. However, most men ejaculate very quickly because they masturbated to avoid getting caught in adolescence and as a result, they programmed their ejaculation system to work faster. The time to re-program the system is approaching, so I’m going to share with you the 5 best masturbation tips used by porn stars…

1. Masturbate with lubricant or do it in the shower

The best way to imitate a woman’s vagina is to use a lubricant. If you finish your work with foreplay, she should be well lubricated when you sting her. So, by using lubrication when XXXBios masturbating you are performing in a similar environment. When masturbating, you can masturbate in the shower as the hot water flowing over the head of the penis mimics the warmth and moisture of the vagina.

2. Spend your time

Keep in mind that most men who masturbate during puberty are programmed to ejaculate as soon as they reach puberty. You need to allocate a lot of time to avoid rushing. I recommend at XXXBios least 15-20 minutes so that you can allow the stimulus level to increase and decrease before you return. Do not rush stroking. Take slow strokes.

3. Do not look at or view pornographic images before masturbating

By doing so, you increase your arousal level before you start and end the game before you start masturbating. Use your nation to move things forward, and then slowly shift the focus toward proper breathing.

4. Breathe properly

Deep breathing is important. Try to inhale him through the nose and mouth. By holding your breath for a break before you breathe in, you will get more oxygen into the blood and it will travel to the PC muscles longer.

5. Relax the PC muscle

The PC muscle (perinea muscle) controls your ejaculation. This is the same muscle that stops your urination in the middle. By focusing on relaxing as much as possible, you will stay longer. There are  XXXBios  techniques where you twist it, but when you start, try to relax it.

Take advantage of these masturbation tips and you will find out how to prolong sex for men. Use them every day and you will act like a porn star before you know it. Special bonus tip! Discover how your permanent time is turbo charging & add 10-20 minutes tonight! Finally, put an end to your humiliation and unrest!

Jane Doe
As a certified relationship expert with over a decade of experience, Jane shares her insights on everything dating-related. Her candid approach to the highs, lows, and everything in-between makes her blog a trusted source for dating advice.