There’s a difference between consuming porn and becoming consumed by porn. While most porn lovers have been consumed by porn, other men who do not watch porn are regarded as kinder and more attentive in relationships. Not seeing porn is now becoming a criterion in knowing a better lover. The reason behind this is that most porn lovers end up being consumed and addicted. Once addicted, it becomes somewhat impossible for them to be attentive to their spouse, and they begin to exhibit some negative attributes, which in turn affects the relationship negatively.
Some ladies see porn as a rival because the man begins to imagine the porn star, he’s seen in his recent porn adventure. It gets so bad in some relationships that the man begins to call his spouse by a porn star’s name because he can’t just help it; he’s addicted. Some main reasons why men who do not watch porn are regarded as better lovers are those reasons why men who watch porn should desist.
Why should I stop watching porn?
- Porn results in premature ejaculation:
There’s nothing as heartbreakingas having premature ejaculation each time you get down with your wife. Pre-porn consumption would likely see a guy climax in 5 to 10 minutes for the first round of sex under normal circumstances. However, with porn consumption, you can find yourself jetting towards a climax in just a minute of sex. The reason behind this is the constant consumption of porn,which would crumble the relationship if not properly managed. If you want to last longer in bed and give your spouse the relationship she deserves, you should stop/censor your porn consumption.
- It affects erection and could lead to erectile dysfunction in relationships:
Many individuals in relationships, should stay off from the consumption of porn unless the doctor medically advises it. Most men who consume porn regularly are most likely to develop more affection for other ladies behind the screen than actual women. It becomes more challenging for them to concentrate on actual ladies or even fall in love when this happens. Someone who finds it hard to love an actual lady would find actual women boring. The more you watch porn, the more you are likely to masturbate, depending on the porn categories you prefer. However, the more you masturbate, the more your tendencies to have erection-related problems.
- It creates unrealistic expectations:
One of the several wrong assumptions’ porn gives men who consume porn is that women are so easy to get on the bed. The truth is women are not to be objectified since getting a lady laid is not a function of your being aggressive or clever; it’s based on mutuality. However, porn would not allow you to see this as a big deal since the videos are mostly scripted, and most porn videos depict women as being easy to get to bed. Contrary to reality, women in porn videos allow men to tear them up and do what they want, especially in some porn categories like BDSM.